
on Tuesday, 27 November 2018


 The ripened ovary is containing seeds is called fruits. Some fruits are without seed .Example banana, pineapples etc. These fruits are called parthenocarpic. The fruit which is only formed from the overy is called true fruit.Some other parts of plant also take part in the formation of fruit. These parts are thalamus,  calyx.These form  some type of fruits like apple. Such fruits are called psesudocarp.
  The outer wall of the fruit is called pericarpIt may be fleshy and juicy or some time dry and hard.  It is dived  into  other three  layer  endocarp,  mesocarp  and  exocarp.  Fruits  have  different forms.  

Dispersal of seeds and formation of fruits 
    Seeds consists of embryo and stored food material. It covered by protective covering. The embryo grows into plant by using stored food. This food supply energy for there growth. Most seeds have some means of dispersal. Dispersal mechanism carries them to favorable location. Then they germinate there. There are different method and kinds of dispersal of seeds and formation of fruits.
   Dispersal by wind   Whole fruit or individual seeds  may disperse by wind. Such seeds are light weight. Seeds of following types on the dispersal with wing. These are minute seeds, flattened fruits there wing are like a out growth. Minute seed are orchids and very small. They have light weight and infalted outer  covering. These  fruits  are  dust like  seeds and  blown  by wind to great distance Wings In some cases seeds  and other whole fruit are flattend. Some may have  both flattend and wings. The structure help the fruit for dispersal. Its example are ash, maple and linades. Feathery appendages Seeds or fruits of some plants may have feathry  appendages. These appendages greatly increase the buoncy. These are frequently carried by wind to long distances. Censor mechanism The capsules of many plants open in different ways. Thus the seeds escape when the capsule is violently shaken by wind.It occur in different  fruits like poppy. This mechanism scatter the seeds. Some seeds have flat or wings like out growth.

   Dispersal by water Many seashore and aquatic plants disperse by water. They adapt different adaptation for their dispersal. Whole fruit or seeds may be adapted the floating method. The pericarp of a fruit may be composed of light tissue. In some cases fruit may be inflated. In the lotus fruit the torus is greatly enlarged mass o loose air filled tissue. They float readily. Thus fruits travel for long distance.
    Dispersal by animals  The seeds of  plants also dispersed with animals. So animals and insects like honeybee, ant and butter fly come on the flower to get nectar then the pollen grain on the flower is attach with the legs of these insects. When they move to another flower these pollen grain    are reach on other flower.  Here  in  germinate and produce fruits.Example flower. 
     There are two ways of the dispersal of seeds by animals. Some fruits are fleshy fruits. Some portion of such fruits are eaten by animals.Dry fruits adhere to animals. Fleshy fruits  are used by animals as their food. Some part of these fruits are eaten by animals without any injury to seed. In many cases of sees it coat is hard. Stony seeds  seeds are  protected by stony endocarp in drupes. A seed is protected by stony endocarp. Thus seeds pass without any injury through the digestive tract of animal. Birds are  particularly prominent in dispersing the seeds of fleshy fruits.Some time they eat fleshy portion and throw the seeds away. Dry fruits are often carried by the animals for food by seeds eating animals. They loose them in one or tow ways and leave them to grow. Adhesive fruits Many dry and hook like appendages e.g Cosmos and Bidens etc . It is  fitted for grasping the hair of the animals. Animals carry them and distribute seeds. The fruits is adhere to clothing and dispersed by man. Some seeds and fruits have sticky covering. It adhere to hair of animals and attached with their body. Feathery appendages are capable for adhering the fur. They may fly through wind.          


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