Gymnosperms Plants

on Tuesday 27 November 2018

Naked seed non flowering plants are called gymnosperms. They are one of the most successful of seed plants.They have all over the world is distributed. They constitute about one third of world forest.Their ovules are not enclosed. It born on the exposed fertile leaves. These leaves are called megasporophyll. These  plants are heterosporous. They have hetromorphic alternation of generation. Sporophytes are dominant and independent which produce two type of spore mega and micro spores. Presence of gymnosperms: Gymnosperms are group of ancient plants. They are dominant during Jurassic period. Most of the gymnosperms are evergreen trees. Some shrubby plants are also present in this group. They have worldwide distribution. Most abundant in temperate region. Their fossil are shown near the oil and coal deposits. 

Importance and uses of gymnosperms 

Gymnosperms have different uses. It use in medical industry, use in for oil deposition and eat as food .A number of  gymnosperms are grown as ornamental plants. Some of these are Cycas and Pinus which is grown in temples in China and Japan. Use for food  It is different kinds of food product which is used by animal and humenbeing. Sago starch is obtained from the pith and cortex of stem C. revolute and C. rumphi etc. It used as food. It is source of  food and us for other perpases. It is very useful.  Seed starch is obtained form the cycas  rumphii, dioon edule. Flour is used and cooked before eating.  Kaffir bread prepared value through the stem pith of Encephalartos. It used in the bakeries. Young leaves of cycas is cooked as vegetables. Their leaves are used as vegetable and eaten . 
Medical usage Many members of gymnosperms have great medical value. Some of these are used in the preparation of medicine and some are used as treatment of curve.  Epedrine extracted from Ephedra. It used in the treatment of  cough, asthma and cold. It is effective medicine against these disease.  Tincture of Ephedra is cardiac stimulant which is used in treatment of different wounds. Industrially importance Many industrial products are obtained from different species of gymnosperms. These are of different type. Gum  Cycus gum is used adhesive, anti dote of snake bite. It also used against malignant ulcers. Tannins  extracted from the bark of Araucaria, Pinus and Sequoia. It is used in leather industry. Source of oil  Different oils are obtained from different members of gymnosperms. These oils are used in different purposes. Oils are extracted from seeds of C.revoluta, Macrozamia reidlei  and Pinus cembra and use for edible perpases.  
Similarities of Gymnosperms with other plants 
The primitive plants like cycas is much identical with Pteridophytes (ferns). They were taken as Pteridophytes for a long time. They were called as ferns with seed.Some of there similarities are given below. Both they have regular alternation of sporophytic and gametophytic generations. |Their sporophyte is dominant and forms the main plant body. Both They are hetrosporous. Both they have external morphology.Their body are differentiated in root, stem and leaves. The sporangia of both are arranged in sori as in cycas. These are the main differences of gymnosperms with other plants.    


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