Plants Classifications

on Saturday 17 November 2018

Classifications of Plants 

 Classification System 
    The arrangment of plants into groups and sub groups on the basis of similar called classification. The characters are uses as basis of classification called criteria of classification. The major criteria of classification are morphology anatomy, Playnology, Karyology , Emberology, Serology and Phytogeography. Criteria is depend on the new investigation.Basis of  classification system. Earlier cell wall is basis of classification system. Later five kingdom system were produced for kingdom of classification.The system of classification is also based on vascular tissue. The plants containing vascular tissues are tracheophytes. Plants are divided on the the bases of seed producing and non seed producing plants. 
         Units of Classification    Unit of classification is called texa. Each texa or category is more general than the texa below it. The member of lower category resemble more with one an other than higher category. Different units of classification is used. These units are  Species is group of natural population which can interbreed freely among them and produce new generation is called species. Each species has its own distinct structural, behavioral and characteristics. Different species does not exchange gene between them. So species is independent unit from the evolutionary unit. Species is further divided in to Sub species, Variety and Form. Genera  are composed of one more similar species. Example Solanum tubersum, Solanum nigram are placed single genera Solanum. Families  Similar genera form family. Order  Similar families form and order. Class  Similar order combine and form class. Phylum or division Similar classes from phylum. Phylum is also called division. Like plants algae and fungi. Kingdom  Similar phyla a kingdom. There are two kingdom. Animal kingdom and plant kingdom.

 Main Classification System

         There are four system of classification These system are. Artificial System The  classification system based on one or two morphological characters for the identification of plants is called artificial system. The criterion of classification is too arbitrary. It based on observable characteristics. This system grouped many umrealted plants. This classification  does not show affinities among different groups. Linnaeus system is example of artificial system.  Natural System The classification system which based on set of characteristics for grouping similar plants is called natural classification system. Various plants are grouped purely on the basis of morphological similarities in this system. The plants in this group share  many natural affinities. Darwin had proposed this the theory of natural selection. Phylogenetic System  The classification system which grouped plants on the basis of set of morphological characteristics and phylogenetic relations is called phylogenetic system of classification. This system is based on affinities and evolutionary relationship among the plants. It is most turning point in history of classification of plants. It include Darwin  concept of evolution. Evolution joins the different groups of plants into tree of phylogenetic group. Engler and Prantle classification system is example of phylogeatic classification system  Modern System  The classification system in which plants are grouped on the basis of morphological characters and modern studies like anatomy, palynology, karyology and embryology  is called modern classification system. It is based on new reformation in plant taxonomy. Now DAN and RNA nucleotide are also studies to arrange plants more scientifically. The Takhtajans classification system is example of this system of classification .

 Importance of Classification System

  • Classification has great importance.Classification arranges the plants in different systematic groups. It makes easy for study of plants.It has very effective role in studies 
  • Classification gives phylogenetic relationship among the plants The evolution of plants can be studied form classification.It make the plants study easy and clear information.
  • Different members in taxonomic groups have similar characters. Thus the study morphology, anatomy and cytology of one member give the idea of structures.
  • Classification also gives Phytogeigaphy of plants. Similar plants include same group.
  • Different morphological and physiological characteristics can be predicts from classification of different groups.                                      



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