Succulent fruits

on Tuesday 27 November 2018

Succulent fruits 

     The wall of the ovary of ripened succulent or fleshy fruits is  composed of three layers. These layer are epicarp , mesocarp and endocarp. It also called as Outer layer, middle layer and inner layer. Some of these layer become dry and hard. One or more of them become fleshy and juicy. 
    Drupes  The succulent fruits which mesocarp forms the edible portion of fruits and endocarp is form hard shell is called drupes.drupes are drived from monocarpellary pistil and with a superior overy. They are generally one seeded. Their pericarp is show three layers. The outer is epicarp and their middle is fleshy layer. Inner most layer is endocarp. Example is mango, cherry and coconut, coconut palm. The coconut drupes are also called fibrous drupes. Its epicarp is lost when dry. The fibrous region below the epicarp is mesocarp. The white edible portion is endosperm. The Inner hard and stony layer is endocarp. Endosperm is contain a large cavity in the middle which is filled with coconut milk.

   Berries The indihicent many seeded fleshy fruits in which mesocarp and endocarp is form pulp. It is called berries. They are derived form the superior ovary or inferior overy. The epicarp is forms the outer skin. The mesocarp and endocarp are succulent and form the pulp. It has no stony endocarp. Example of berries are brinjal, tomato, grapes, orange, date, guava and melon etc. Tomato The epicarp of tomato is form thin skin. The mesocarp and endocarp, placenta are all juicy and fleshy. 
      In  the date which is one seeded berry. Its outer skin is epicarp. The pulpy mesocarp is edible portion. Endocarp forms thin membrane which surrounds the stony seed. Orange the outer glandular skin is epicarp. The white fibers attached to the inner of the skin are mesocarp. The inner attached forming the walls of the loculi is endocarp. The wall of loculi bears numerous multicellular juicy hairs. This special berry in which pulp is separated into a number of compartments is called hesperdium.

    Pome  The fruits in which outer skin and edible portion of the fruits is formed from the thalamus and carpel which develop central cartilaginous core is called as pome. The epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp  are not differentiated in these fruits. This fruits is derived syncarpous pistil with biocular  ovary. Example is apple pear and banana. Apple develop from pentacarpillary syncarpous pistil. Its outer skin and fleshy edible parts is derived from thalamus. Thalamus is vascular bundles. Carpel (pericarp) forms the central cartilaginous part which encloses the seeds. 
      Some fruits and some fruits are large. Fruits are formed from different parts of plant. Fruits which produced from the ovary is known as true fruits. Fruits are also formed form the thalamus and calyx. Pericarp is covering of seed in some fruits. Some seeds are present out side this layer. Seeds is absent in some fruits. Pericarp is divided into three parts. The outer most layer is epicarp an intermediate layer is mesocarp. Inner layer is endocarp. These layer form edible portion. In some fruits mesocarp and mesocarp is edible and in some fruits mesocarp and endocarp is edible. 

Aggregate fruits  

      The collection of simple fruits developed form an apocarpous pistil of single flower is called aggregate fruits. The collection of simple fruitlets is called etaerio. They have different types and forms. Etaerio of Achenes  The group of achenes is called etaerio of achenes. It is found in butter cup and strawberry. Etaerio of Follicles  Group of follicles is called etaerio of follicles. Its example is calotropis. Etaerio of Drupes  drupes group is called etaerio of drupes. It present in black berry and raspberry. Etaerio Of berries The group of berries is called etaerio of berries.Example is apple.   

Composite fruits 

        The fruits form the whole inflorescence is called composite fruits. These fruits have three layer endo meso and epicarp. These fruits are of different types Syconus The composite fruits formed from the hollow pear shaped hapanthodium inflorescence. These opening at the top of the hapanthodium . It is guarded by scales.The overies of female flower develop into nutlets. These nutlets are embedded in the wall of receptacle. Example is banyan. Sorosis The composite fruits derived from female spike is known as sorosis. It is present in the mulberry. They are fuse to form a fleshy composite fruit. In the pineapple the fleshy perianth leaves of the female flower fuse together to form the composite and edible fruits. Strobilus  It is develop form a cone like female inflorescence called strobilus. Hopes shows it. This inflorescence consists of central axis bearing number of membranous scales. The female flower are enclosed in the membranous bracteoles. The true fruits is achenes.   



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